The city of Tulcea, ubicated on seven hills, similar with Rome, has been a very important harbor since ancient times. It was founded in the 7th century BC by the Dacians, by the name of Aegyssus, as the city was known in antiquityand it was conquered by the Romans who rebuilt it after their architectural vision.
Tulcea was first mentioned in the documents of Diodorus of Sicily (3rd century BC) .The latin poet Ovid, said in his opera Ex Ponto ,that the name of Aegyssus is coming from its founder, a Dacian named Carpyus Aegyssus.
For two centuries, between 5th and 7th century, the town was under Byzantine, between 10th and 13th century under Genoese and Ottoman rule until 1878 when finally was reunited with Romania.
Some of the highlights are St. Nicholas’ Church (1865), the Azzizie Mosque (1924), the Danube Delta History Museum, the Art Museum, and the History and Archeology Museum. The local Lipovani Russian and Turkish minorities lend the city a multi-ethnic flavor.
The city of Tulcea is also the main starting point for the Danube Delta.
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